In the middle of the forest in Torstuna, north of Enköping, the troll has built a staircase through the mountain. At least it looks that way.
Trolltrappan, ”The Trolls' staircase", is, from a scientific point of view, a diabase passage that has partly weathered out and formed a gorge in the 4–5 meter high slope. For the visitor, it is a short, fun climb up or down the narrow stairs, which amuses both big and small.
The path to Trolltrappan has been signposted and maintained, but is no longer. Finding the way on your own can be difficult, but if you have GPS in your phone, you should be fine. Park on a small parking pocket by the road (do not block the boom barrier!) Then take a walk on the forest road, about 1.5 km. Then you take aim with the help of the GPS to the coordinates 59.793636,17.021152 / 59 ° 47'37.1 ″ N 17 ° 1'16.1 ″ E. Then just climb - hold on!