Svenska kraftnät plans to build a large power line through central areas in Fjärdhundraland, which risks damaging both the very lively tourism industry and major cultural values. Fjärdhundraland economic association has submitted an opinion in the consultation that ended on August 30, 2022. Read it here: We point to shortcomings in Svenska kraftnät's documentation for the Munga–Hamra power line, and [...]
Welcome to Tuva & Täppa 2022 Sunday 31 July 11am–5pm Tuva & Täppa is a garden tour in the countryside between Stockholm, Uppsala, Västerås, Sala and Enköping. 14 participants take part in this year's Tuva & Täppa – nurseries, growers and private gardens. At nurseries and growers, you get both inspiration and the opportunity to buy plants to take home with you. […]
We are open at least 11–17 on the activity day during the O-ring Uppsala 2022 All places here are open during the activity day 27/7. Here is a map with all the places (Google maps) Click on the address for the Google map for an individual place Click on the title for more info about each place. Opening hours 27/7 are 11-17 or longer! Axel&Gren Welcome to our [...]
Here are a number of nice, traditional Midsummer celebrations among Fjärdhundraland members. These are guaranteed country midsummer parties, with pole, singing, grass and flowers - just as it should be!
Fjärdhundraland ran the project New collaborations on locally produced food in Uppland. The partners are - in addition to Fjärdhundraland - Smaka på Västmanland, Bondens mat i Uppland and the REKO rings in Uppsala and Enköping. The project idea aimed to establish cooperation between several different networks of food producers. In the project, we conducted a network meeting for food artisans on August 10 at Wik Castle. [...]
This summer, photographer John Alinder's portraits are presented in a large exhibition in a collaboration between Fjärdhundraland and Upplandsmuseet. Welcome to the opening on Sunday 19 June at 11! On the opening day 19/6 we inaugurate the exhibition, but also have a Culture Day, with music, children's theater and an arts and crafts market. Read more here! Read more at Mynewsdesk.