On Sunday 10/6 it is rhubarb chills! Taste marmalades, chutney, pies, etc. at Kråkvilan bakery. Open 10-16. Can be combined with Cultural walk at Härledgården at 14. Marja Eriksson and Per Lindgren from Upplandsmuseet tell about the farm buildings.
Today, Fjärdhundraland is located in Skolparken, Enköping 11 - 15.30. Food craftsmen Skogsbackens Ost, Kråkvilan and Lagerlöfska Magasinet serve goodies. Welcome to get your map and get tips on summer excursions! You can also celebrate the National Day in Altuna hembygdsgård at 17 and Härledgården at 9–12.
Saturday 2/6 at 10–17 there is a flea-piss in Gästre. Many sellers of everything possible - including geraniums, summer plants, kerosene lamps. In addition, garden cafe!
Tomorrow Sunday you have the opportunity to shop for both beef and pork of the very highest quality - from animals that enjoyed it well. Domta farm shop is open, and Åloppe ekomat has its Sunday shop open for the last time before the summer. So within a few kilometers of each other you have one of the best you can buy in […]
Saturday and Sunday at 11 and 13, Göran Mellström guides among the soldier villages in Dunderbo. (Directions.) At 10–16, there is also a spring market in Dunderbo - then go on to any of the things that can be seen in Fjärdhundraland. Look at the white papers in Hårsbäcksdalen, on Saturday maybe combined with a visit to the Lagerlöfska magazine. Coffee can you [...]
During the weekend of 19-20 May, Dunderbo Ljus & Hantverk is hosting the spring market. There will be locally produced handicrafts in the form of, for example, knives, jewelery and wooden mats. It also sells food from the countryside; marmalades, chutney, bread, honey and more. Adjacent to the market are also guided tours of the Krigsstigen. Read more about opening hours and […]