Storyspot is an app where you can share stories with your own voice. Now Fjärdhundraland's first storyspots in the app - audio guides to places along Fjärdhundralandsleden. We need all the guidance. We go through the open countryside on a beautiful spring day, the small churches succession along the way - why are they so close? - the rune stones tell […]
December 16 at 11-16 is the premiere for the new Christmas market at Salnecke Castle, Örsundsbro! In the large greenhouse below the castle, historical and modern food crafts are emerged before the Christmas table - cheese, sausage, bread, Upplandskubb. In addition, we complement with high-class, local crafts and activities around the castle. A 17th century castle in a historic village that is a [...]
Food & people are Fjärdhundraland's food round where we gather our food craftsmen for a day in the sign of the food. You travel from place to place, taste and shop and get the opportunity to see how the food is produced. On Sunday 23/9 11-17 it is time. Read more at!
19th century Kvekgården meets 2018's Fjärdhundraland On Sunday 19/8, the project Historic Food in Fjärdhundraland invites you to a day of small-scale food and history at Kvekgården, the well-preserved old farmhouse just outside Örsundsbro. The event provides a different taste experience from the time the farm was used, but you also meet three of today's food craftsmen from the village. You get […]
Tuva & Täppa - Fjärdhundraland's garden round Visit the viewing gardens and crops on Saturday, July 28 at 11-17. Talk garden and cultivation with the enthusiasts and professional growers. Get inspiration and tips on how you can do at home in your own plot. Participant Lisa Frisk Melberg Härnevi Rotbrunna 12 75696 Enköping Pia Hansson Härnevi Rotbrunna 11 75696 Enköping Two neighbors […]
Fjärdhundraland winding small roads are the cyclist's dream, with many choices, beautiful views and lots to see and do. We work to make it easier for you as visitors to find the right, find food and accommodation and get guidance when you need it. Fjärdhundraland Road To make it easy, we have now selected a route […]