Now it greens! We celebrate this with a summer round for private gardens and nurseries that keep open and offer experiences and knowledge. You can visit these places on Saturday, June 29 at 11 am-5 pm. (Here is the print map.) Participants Lundellska Galleriet Simtuna Karleby 8 74971 Fjärdhundra Vernissage with KreaLera, garden-related stone goods and watercolors by Gunilla Lundell. [...]
July 6-7, it will be Flea round in Fjärdhundraland. Read more here.
Easter is the starting point for many visitor destinations in Fjärdhundraland, but also a good opportunity for the first spring outing in the country. Here are some good places to visit Easter weekend 2019!
Fjärdhundraland is a modern network that highlights good experiences and develops the countryside. But our roots are more than a thousand years back in time. We borrowed the name Fjärdhundraland from the Viking Age. 2009 started a project in Fjärdhundra which was called Turism i Fjärdhundrabygden. The project was a success, and when it was over, we formed a union we [...]
Storyspot is an app where you can share stories with your own voice. Now Fjärdhundraland's first storyspots in the app - audio guides to places along Fjärdhundralandsleden. We need all the guidance. We go through the open countryside on a beautiful spring day, the small churches succession along the way - why are they so close? - the rune stones tell […]
December 16 at 11-16 is the premiere for the new Christmas market at Salnecke Castle, Örsundsbro! In the large greenhouse below the castle, historical and modern food crafts are emerged before the Christmas table - cheese, sausage, bread, Upplandskubb. In addition, we complement with high-class, local crafts and activities around the castle. A 17th century castle in a historic village that is a [...]