Accommodation: Food and drink: Experiences: Tips:
Welcome to a day about development! Visitors see no borders. How can we think without borders and let the attractiveness of places be connected in an organic way? 18/3 we gather - the tourism industry and the public - for the first time to the Fjärdhundraland day, about how we build destinations in harmony with the local community. Fjärdhundraland invites you who work with [...]
From Christmas markets to quiet moments in the countryside, many of Fjärdhundraland's destinations are opening up for the festive season, with great experiences during Advent, and eventually Christmas dinners and markets. Here you will find both locally produced experiences and the genuine goods you want on the Christmas table. A warm welcome and happy advent! See events for Christmas here. Here you will find [...]
Fjärdhundraland's creators invite you, your family and friends to an excursion into the world of creation! You will have the opportunity to visit workshops and see how objects are made, and with some of the participants you can even try it yourself. Creative Round 2024 is Saturday and Sunday, October 19-20, 10-16. Read more about Creative Round here.
It's time for Fjärdhundraland's harvest party Pack your coolers and make sure you're really hungry. On Saturday, September 21, it's time for one of Fjärdhundraland's absolute highlights - the Food & People food tour. You'll be able to travel around and try as many tasty plates as you can. The Fjärdhundraland destination is growing by leaps and bounds. More than half a million people visited the [...]
Travel and eat! At the end of September, it's time for Food & People - the big harvest festival. There will be plenty of opportunities to taste Fjärdhundraland and meet the people behind the food. Text & photo: Ann-Helen Meyer von Bremen We're going back to Food & People 2023. Pulled lamb with honey yogurt, freshly baked waffles with [...]