Fjärdhundraland economic association with over 100 members is extremely proud and pleased to have been awarded the Swedish Tourism Award 2019.
The motivation reads: Fjärdhundraland has created a way of working where many small businesses together form a whole based on the place's genuine conditions. Here, everyone's commitment and knowledge are utilized to create a sustainable whole.
Fjärdhundraland's members are determined and committed companies and associations, all of whom run their own business. Thanks to the differences, the whole becomes so diverse. Together we create something that is much larger than the individual parts.
We are so happy that more and more people are experiencing our beautiful countryside!
The Swedish Tourism Award is awarded by Stiftelsen för kunskapsfrämjande inom turism ("Foundation for Knowledge Promotion in Tourism”) and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. Many thanks to Region Uppsala who nominated the association for this fine prize.