Just in time for the Christmas season, we are releasing a new version of the Fjärdhundraland website! It is an updated and refreshed web, which above all makes life easier for those who visit it with a mobile phone. Here are requested features, such as a better search function, the ability to save favorites and maps that constantly show what is available where you are.
However, the basic information is the same as before.
The website has been developed in 2023, based on an internal development work, which began with a member meeting in January, where we looked at various good and less good alternatives of visitor websites. The meeting resulted in a huge wish list, and a reference group that has been a sounding board during the design and development work, which has been done internally in the association, by Mats Thorburn.
During production, we have also added a number of non-commercial visitor destinations, such as bathing sites, natural and cultural attractions.
There are many opportunities for development, much of which is in our future planning, including features around opening hours (for example, seeing what is open now or on another day), more relevance in the way categories are organized, and more. Do you have ideas? Send an email to Mats, .
The project, which included the production of the website, as well as the development of cycle tourism, packaging and charging points, has been part-funded by Region Uppsala. Many thanks!